Monday, June 16, 2008

Answer A1

Clue A1:

This riddle is easy, as soon as you try,
The topic is history, so no need to cry.
Some are named bishops, or even the pope,
So take a look, or you will not cope.
Are you happy gaming, enjoying the brotherhood?
Or are you sleeping, agreeing without mood?
Take care and be safe, no shelter is too much.
As the doctor will say, faith is just as such.

And the Solution is: Synod House (Highlight to reveal)

The first two lines are just an introduction that this is a riddle. I included only 3 riddles in this game, and the other one is at this leg of the race. Of the 3, this one is in the most traditional form, with the least margin for error, and the easiest to design. It is done by making use of Homonyms.

From the 3rd and 4th line, you can deduce the word "See" which means both Bishops and look. From the 5th and 6th line, you get "Nod" which can refer to the sleeping and the agreeing, and as a added bonus, it also refers to the brotherhood in the game Command & Conquer. From the final 2 lines, you get "House" can refer to the safe shelter, and also the TV doctor House.

In riddles, a reference can point towards many things. But the advantage of homonyms is that just like 2 lines, it can only intersect at one point. Having fun?


Unknown said...

Wow all the clues are good. and very hard. zzz. we should get a tagboard for the blog then people would comment more and have more discussion. get one at

Latria said...

Sorry, I am extremely IT inadequate. All contributors here are admins. Can you add it into this blog?

Latria said...

Also, I am not familiar with the lingo. What does zzz mean?

I am guessing fainting?