Wednesday, July 9, 2008

There are all together 10 routes. I will describe Routes A-D in One Body, E-G in One Spirit and H-J in One Faith. Have fun solving!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Answer A6

And the final destination is Bras Basah (highlight to reveal)

This clue concludes the entire theme on history for this route. The last one is on Singaporean Presbyterian Church history. All the years given are the founding years for the churches.

B - Bethel -1883
B - Bethany -1903
A - Amazing Grace -1996
S - Spiritual Grace -1908
A - Adam Road -1997
H - Hope -2005

Friday, July 4, 2008

Clue A6

Clue A6 (Codeword: Reptiles)
Flavor Text: You have arrived at Serene Centre. The quest is almost over. You can almost taste victory. But as history will tell you, it is not over until you have crossed the finish line. Now it’s time to create history of your own. Remember, those who come after will learn about your exploits when they read about this defining quest that changed the world.
Leave a good history.
Leave a good legacy.
Go for it!

Clue A6: Churches of Significance: 1883, 1903, 1996, 1908, 1997, 2005

Code word A7: Honey

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Answer A5

And the next location is Serene Centre Mac (highlight to reveal)

This is a Facebook clue. As indicated by the 2 key words "face" and "read". And our Founder is John Calvin of course.

Searching for John Calvin in the Singapore network, you will get to this page.

Which then leads to this.

And finally this. Tah Dah!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Clue A5

Clue A5 (codeword: Veteran)
Flavor Text: At this quiet bench at Telok Blangah Hill Park, please sit down and have a short break. Look at the greenery around you. Mankind started with the Paleolithic period where humans generally lived as nomadic hunters-gatherers. Eventually, mankind moved to the Neolithic period where a great change termed as the Agricultural Revolution occurred. Agricultural systems developed and this made possible complex societies known as civilizations. Human did not need to move around for food anymore. With agriculture, they finally could remain rooted at one place for their entire lives. Unfortunately, you do not have this luxury. Your break is over, time to move on with your next clue.

Clue A5: Find the face of our founder read for the signs.
(really, it is just 1 line)