Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Clue A2

Clue A2 (codeword: First)
Flavor Text: You find yourself at the Synod House. The Synod is the head and heart of the Presbyterian community, house in a little nondescript building on a quiet road. The roots of Presbyterianism lie in the European Reformation of the 16th century, with the example of John Calvin’s Geneva being particularly influential. Presbyterian theology typically emphasizes the sovereignty of God, a high regard for the authority of the Bible, and an emphasis on the necessity of grace through faith in Christ. Here’s your next clue.

Clue A2:


1619 Catholic ................................ci ...uth ...............................Protestant

1623 Christian ..........................ety ....al ...on ............................Tilly

1626 Tilly ..............................of ...ha ....ly....pa ........................Denmark

1632 Tilly .........................cr ...bit ....ll ...per ...ge ......................Sweden

1633 Sweden .............ue ...ab ....ten ..co ...son ..one ...............Wallenstein

1636 Richelieu .......lty ...an ...ca ...wa ...ve ...of ....yet ...............Spain

1645 Protestant ani ...to ...se ...ter ....na... the ....a ....not ..........Catholic

1647 France mal ..you ..us ...pi ...nt ....sea ..God ..Man ...in ....Imperial

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