Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Answer B2

And the answer is ORPC guardhouse (highlight to reveal)

Solving the crossword, you get:

1 Down: (Jesus)

2 Down: (monotheism)

3 Down: (predestination)

4 Down: (trinity)

5 Down: (ascended)

6 Down: (Commission)

7 Down: (unconditional)

8 Down: (Atonement)

9 Down: (judgment)

10 Down: (sacrifice)

11 Down: (evangelism)

12 Down: (resurrected)

13 Down: (regeneration)

14 Down: (Emmanuel)

15 Down: (Penal)

16 Down: (Supper)

17 Down: (Ezekiel)

18 Down: (Soteriology)

19 Down: (Irresistible)

20 Down: (propitiation)

21 Down: (Christ)

After filling in the blanks, reading 1 across, you get STANDODOGRGREENPKEEPC
Identifying the words, you get Stand-O-DOG-R-GREEN-P-KEEP-C
So, it is a location at ORPC.
By solving the missing linking word:
Stand (guard) Dog; Green (house) Keep, the location is the guardhouse.

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