Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Clue B4

Clue B4 (code word: Displays)

Flavor Text: How quaint! A row of shophouses in the middle of a quiet housing estate. Don’t you feel as though you have been transported to another country? Ahh… the peace and quiet here. I come here sometimes in my study of Christian doctrines. It’s a good place to sit down with a cup of coffee, study and reflect. As you are still young, I advise you to learn to take time to study. No, not your academic pursuits, but study to gain knowledge and to learn wisdom. Work hard.

Clue B4:

What I think of Prayer

We pray in the name of the compassionate and benign Father who overlooks our lives. Yet sometimes our prayers go unanswered. Our wants and requests seem ignored by the God, whom we recognise as part of the Trinity. More often then not, the weight of our prayers is skewed towards our personal desires and selfish longings. Goodness sakes! We should not look at our wants and desires, but be selfless in our prayers. Although it is difficult remembering this each time we pray, just keep in mind Jesus Christ (part of the Trinity as well) – who lived as Man and selflessly died on the cross, washing away our sins.

Answer B3

And the solution is Greenwood Village behind Jane (one of the shops) (highlight to reveal)

Google Bonhoeffer's quote on obedience, and you will easily get:
"One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons."
This is the message you were supposed to receive.

So, the coding method is quite obviously Cipher.

Now we come to the difficult part. In cipher cryptography, there is a plaintext (the original information), a ciphertext (the text after encryption), and the "key" (the encoding algorithm).

In this case, we have Bonhoeffer's orginal quote which is the plaintext, the jumbled letters which is the ciphertext, what we need to figure out is the "key".

From o -> n, key is y (25 spaces away)
n -> c, key is o (15 spaces away)
e -> z, key is u (21 spaces away)
a -> s, key is r (18 spaces away)
c -> q, key is n (14 spaces away)
... ... ...
The key you derive is "

Fun? Sidenote: one of the simplest and most common cipher encryption method is the Caesar's cipher. What it means is that the key is uniform throughout. Try it!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clue B3

Clue B3 (code word: Alphabet)

Flavor Text: Ahh… you find yourself at the church in downtown Orchard Road. I hear the youth pastor here is a fine young man. John Calvin himself would be proud.

Here is your next clue. Work hard. Do not lose heart. There is more to come.

Clue B3:

You were supposed to receive Bonhoeffer’s quote on obedience. But you got this instead:


Is there hidden message there?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Answer B2

And the answer is ORPC guardhouse (highlight to reveal)

Solving the crossword, you get:

1 Down: (Jesus)

2 Down: (monotheism)

3 Down: (predestination)

4 Down: (trinity)

5 Down: (ascended)

6 Down: (Commission)

7 Down: (unconditional)

8 Down: (Atonement)

9 Down: (judgment)

10 Down: (sacrifice)

11 Down: (evangelism)

12 Down: (resurrected)

13 Down: (regeneration)

14 Down: (Emmanuel)

15 Down: (Penal)

16 Down: (Supper)

17 Down: (Ezekiel)

18 Down: (Soteriology)

19 Down: (Irresistible)

20 Down: (propitiation)

21 Down: (Christ)

After filling in the blanks, reading 1 across, you get STANDODOGRGREENPKEEPC
Identifying the words, you get Stand-O-DOG-R-GREEN-P-KEEP-C
So, it is a location at ORPC.
By solving the missing linking word:
Stand (guard) Dog; Green (house) Keep, the location is the guardhouse.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clue B2














1. This is your answer


1. The Son of Man

2. The belief in the existence of only one God

3. God determined the fate of the universe before He created the world.

4. The Doctrine of God being three Persons.

5. Jesus __________ to heaven before the apostles, after his resurrection.

6. The great thing telling us to spread the teachings of Jesus to all of the earth

7. This kind of election is an aspect of predestination in which God chose to save some people according to His own purposes and apart from any condition

8. The doctrine concerning the reconciliation of God and mankind, accomplished through the life, suffering, and death of Jesus Christ.

9. Christians believe this God’s final act at the end of days will separate the saved from the damned

10. Hebrew: Korban

11 The practice of attempting to convert non-Christians to Christians.

12 Jesus Christ was bodily _________ 3 days after He was crucified

13 Doctrine relating to spiritual rebirth or being ‘born again’

14 God with us

15 This kind of substitution is a theory that explains that Christ was punished in the place of sinners

16 The last one Jesus Christ shared with his disciples

17 This prophet’s name means ‘God will Strengthen’

18 Doctrine of Salvation

19 This type of grace, particularly in Calvinism, teaches that those who obtain salvation obtain it because God’s sovereign discriminating grace

20 This word is a theological term that means that appeasement/satisfaction of God’s wrath occurred with Christ’s death on the cross.

21 The Messiah in Greek